Saturday, July 5, 2008

One last push for the book!!

Ok, I need to make one last push for the book that I'm giving away!!

If you're looking for a good summer read then look down a post or two and check it out!!

Also, a great lady featured me on her blog!!

Aunt Jane!! I can foresee this is going to be a great blog and not just because she featured me!! She's come up with a kind of twisted Dear Abby and it's too funny! She truly makes your problems go away!! Test her out!

Oh and just using mummy logic on my eldest son. He told me that he didn't want milk on his cereal but I told he had to as he was using a cereal bowl with a straw. I just made it a fact and he took me at face value! Ha, gotta love mummy logic!

My Ped Egg!

Laura (from the Loud Mouth Ladies) mentioned that her Ped Egg was fantastic.

So, I bought one a few weeks ago and it sat and sat in it's packaging.

I finally used it the other day and wow, what a change in my feet!!

I did have an eeeuuuuuuwwww moment though when I emptied it but I'm hoping I've lost weight!